Evaluation of KoresponDance 2022

Foto: archiv festivalu

This years edi­ti­on exi­ded my expectati­on in terms of hap­pi­ness of audi­en­ce and artists. We were all repe­ti­ti­vly sto­ped in our cour­se to hear how out­sten­ding this expe­ri­en­ce were for audi­en­ce and for artists.

Having five own pro­ducti­on we were risking a lot in the level of artis­tic qua­li­ty. But all were rele­vant, good, and tou­ching. Even the per­for­men­ces done by chil­dren whe­re intel­li­gent, well com­posed and used pro­per­ly the par­ticu­lar spa­ce they were wor­king in…

This year aga­in it’s more than 95 kids that took part of the pro­gram, and 60 ama­tors inclu­ded in pro­fes­si­o­nal shows.

The ele­ven invi­ted per­for­man­ces fit in very par­ticu­lar spa­ces: Foncti­on­nal industrial spa­ces, insi­de water, gothic cave … and peo­ple used to tho­se spa­ce whe­re fas­ci­na­ted and spo­ke about it. We were all glad to see all gene­rati­on mixed, and we rea­ched our aim to add to our tra­di­ti­o­nal fami­ly and seni­or audi­en­ce the gene­rati­on of youn­gs­ters even in Žďár !

The Pra­gue audi­en­ce saw at least three of the four shows pro­po­sed in Pra­gue, and in Zdar a lots of peo­ple saw 18 of the 23 dif­fe­rent pro­jects pro­po­sed! And I’m not spe­a­king about pro­gra­ma­tors or peo­ple from the cul­tu­ral bubl but about the audi­en­ce of the region.

I am a hap­py direc­tor of this fes­ti­val and thanks all teams who did an oustan­ding work and part­ners to trust in our goals!

Marie Kin­sky