This years edition exided my expectation in terms of happiness of audience and artists. We were all repetitivly stoped in our course to hear how outstending this experience were for audience and for artists.
Having five own production we were risking a lot in the level of artistic quality. But all were relevant, good, and touching. Even the performences done by children where intelligent, well composed and used properly the particular space they were working in…
This year again it’s more than 95 kids that took part of the program, and 60 amators included in professional shows.
The eleven invited performances fit in very particular spaces: Fonctionnal industrial spaces, inside water, gothic cave … and people used to those space where fascinated and spoke about it. We were all glad to see all generation mixed, and we reached our aim to add to our traditional family and senior audience the generation of youngsters even in Žďár !
The Prague audience saw at least three of the four shows proposed in Prague, and in Zdar a lots of people saw 18 of the 23 different projects proposed! And I’m not speaking about programators or people from the cultural bubl but about the audience of the region.
I am a happy director of this festival and thanks all teams who did an oustanding work and partners to trust in our goals!
Marie Kinsky