Přihlašte se do Springback Academy

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Ješ­tě do pon­dě­lí 29. úno­ra se mohou zájem­ci při­hlá­sit do semi­ná­ře pro mla­dé pub­li­cis­ty Sprin­gback Aca­de­my, kte­rý pro­běh­ne v Plzni 22. a 24. dub­na v rám­ci fes­ti­va­lu Spring For­ward. Akce pro­bí­há v ang­lič­ti­ně, ale neváhejte.

Open Call for participants:

Sprin­gback Aca­de­my at Spring For­ward, Pil­sen, Czech Repub­lic, 22 – 24 April 2016

A pro­ject designed to sti­mu­la­te dia­lo­gue about dan­ce and per­for­man­ce whilst stri­ving to impro­ve and pro­mo­te writ­ten cri­ti­cism online.

The first pilot ver­si­on of the Sprin­gback Aca­de­my took pla­ce during the Spring For­ward fes­ti­val in Umeå in 2014; a second, exten­ded ver­si­on was held during last year’s Spring For­ward in Bar­ce­lo­na. Once aga­in, in 2016, Sprin­gback Aca­de­my will offer aspi­ring dan­ce wri­ters the chan­ce to be men­to­red in the fun­da­men­tals of qua­li­ty dan­ce cri­ti­cism in the acti­on-pac­ked envi­ron­ment of Spring For­ward, Aerowa­ves’ buz­zing annu­al fes­ti­val that will take pla­ce this year in Pil­sen, Czech Repub­lic from 22 – 24 April 2016.

Under the gui­dan­ce of four expe­ri­en­ced dan­ce wri­ters, par­ti­ci­pants have the chan­ce to cre­a­te, sha­pe and sha­re con­ver­sati­ons about dan­ce and hone the­ir cri­ti­cal wri­ting skills for a num­ber of dif­fe­rent for­mats. It’s a fast-track way to gain expe­ri­en­ce and tech­nique in respon­si­ble, effecti­ve, attracti­ve dan­ce cri­ti­cism as well as to explo­re and under­stand the oppor­tu­ni­ties that digi­tal pub­lishing has to offer.
If selec­ted for the pro­ject, Aerowa­ves will pro­vi­de men­tor­ship, accom­mo­dati­on and hospi­ta­li­ty. Par­ti­ci­pants will be requi­red to orga­ni­se and fund the­ir own return tra­vel to Pil­sen. Aerowa­ves will orga­ni­se local tra­vel to and from the air­port.
Click here to read reviews and opi­ni­on pie­ces from Sprin­gback Aca­de­my 2015

What Sprin­gback Aca­de­my 2016 will entail:

We are loo­king for up to 10 opi­ni­o­na­ted peo­ple with an inte­rest in, or some pri­or expe­ri­en­ce of, wri­ting about dan­ce. The par­ti­ci­pants will be men­to­red in cri­ti­cal wri­ting by our four lead cri­tics – Donald Hute­ra (The Times, Lon­don), San­joy Roy (The Guar­di­an, Lon­don), Nina Van­gel­li (Dan­ce Zone/Taneční Zóna, Pra­gue) and Oonagh Duc­kworth (Edi­tor, Brussels).

The first afternoon/evening of the Aca­de­my will be spent making acqua­in­tan­ce with one ano­ther and atten­ding an intro­duc­to­ry lectu­re about dan­ce wri­ting followed by an exten­ded Q & A sessi­on. During the Spring For­ward fes­ti­val each par­ti­ci­pant will:
• wri­te short reviews in Eng­lish (140 words) of seve­ral of the per­for­man­ces they see over the wee­kend. They will work to tight dead­li­nes so that the­ir reviews can be pub­lished each day on the Aerowa­ves web­si­te.
• gene­ra­te ultra-short reviews, pro­vo­cati­ons, opi­ni­ons and ques­ti­ons to sha­re on Twit­ter — using #Sprin­gback to gather the conversations.

• Par­ti­ci­pa­te in the final round-table/­pa­nel dis­cus­si­on to assess achie­ve­ments and make pro­jecti­ons and sug­ges­ti­ons as to whe­re dan­ce wri­ting is, or should be, hea­ding.
• con­tri­bu­te one lon­ger opi­ni­on-sty­le pie­ce for the Aerowa­ves web­si­te in the week after the fes­ti­val ¬— to allow for gre­a­ter reflecti­on or to draw the­mes and big­ger ide­as together.

Click here to watch the live stre­am of Spring For­ward 2015 and scroll down to see the Sprin­gback panel dis­cus­si­on Cri­ti­cal Issu­es
Click here for the Spring For­ward fes­ti­val 2016 line up

How to apply
• Send us a brief out­li­ne of any rele­vant cri­ti­cal wri­ting or expe­ri­en­ce of review wri­ting you’ve had to date (140 words or less).
• Send us a sam­ple review (in Eng­lish) of a dan­ce per­for­man­ce you have seen (140 words or less). This can be an exis­ting review or one you­’­ve writ­ten espe­ci­ally for this appli­cati­on.
• Tell us in 140 words or less why you want to par­ti­ci­pa­te in Sprin­gback Aca­de­my 2016.
• Tell in 140 words or less a litt­le about your local dan­ce sce­ne.
• Tell us your poten­tial arri­val and depar­tu­re date & time. If selec­ted for the pro­ject, you would ide­ally need to arri­ve on the after­no­on (ide­ally by 2pm) of Thur­sday April 21 and depart after mid­day on Mon­day 25 April.
• Send all of this in an email to: oonagh@aerowaves.org befo­re 11am (GMT) on Mon­day 29 Febru­a­ry.
• Par­ti­ci­pants will be noti­fied by email by Mon­day 7 March whe­ther they have been selec­ted for the project.