Prague hosts Biennial with unique performing artists of the region

foto: Štěpán Valenta

The­a­t­re and dan­ce per­for­man­ces, film pre­mie­re, con­certs, workshops, a fine art exhi­bi­ti­on and open dis­cus­si­ons with emer­ging artists of the Vise­grad coun­tries: the first Per­for­ming V4 – Bien­nial of VARP-PA Resi­dents taking pla­ce in Pra­gue on the 26 – 27-28th of Febru­a­ry will pro­vi­de an exclusi­ve insi­ght into the region’s con­tem­po­ra­ry art sce­ne by pre­sen­ting the very best works cre­a­ted in the fra­mework of Vise­grad Artist Resi­den­cy Pro­gram — Per­for­ming Arts.

The Bien­nial takes pla­ce for the first time sin­ce the VARP-PA pro­ject was star­ted in 2012, and is designed as a noma­dic, mobi­le plat­form to be held in dif­fe­rent V4 coun­ties eve­ry two years. The orga­ni­zing per­for­ming art asso­ci­ati­ons L1 Egye­sület (H) (as the main orga­ni­zer), Nová síť (CZ), Art Stati­ons Foun­dati­on (PL) and Truc sphé­rique-Sta­ni­ca Zili­na (SK), repre­sen­ting all four V4 coun­tries selec­ted an assem­bly of exqui­si­te and intri­guing pro­grams for the Bien­nial from 22 appli­cati­ons rece­i­ved from pre­vi­ous resi­den­cy hol­ders of VARP-PA.

Open for all audi­en­ces inte­res­ted in the most ori­gi­nal & inspi­ring artis­tic endea­vors and trends within the Cen­t­ral-Eas­tern-Euro­pe­an regi­on, the Bien­nial starts on the 26th of Febru­a­ry in Prague’s Stu­dio ALTA, with an exclusi­ve “the­a­t­re in film, film in the­a­t­re” pre­mie­re: MAKING OF NEVINA is a docu­men­ta­ry direc­ted by Pet­ra Tej­no­ro­vá (CZ) about cre­a­ting the per­for­man­ce Sgt. Tej­no­ro­vá & the Com­man­do: NEVINA / INNOCENCE, based on the play of the same tit­le, writ­ten by renow­ned con­tem­po­ra­ry Ger­man pla­y­wright Dea Loher. Next in Alfred ve Dvo­ře The­a­t­re, Jan Bár­ta (CZ) will per­form STICKER, a the­a­t­re pie­ce (with Eng­lish sub­tit­les) on how chan­ging the rules of see­min­g­ly harmless eve­ry­day games can turn love into hate in an inti­ma­te relationship.

On the 27th, a very spe­cial cham­ber pup­pet per­for­man­ce for one actress, one musi­ci­an and few pup­pets in love, LOVE P AND PASSION B direc­ted by Moni­ka Ková­čo­vá (SK) will be pre­sen­ted in Stu­dio ALTA, followed by the dan­ce per­for­man­ce JOSHA – A PORTRAIT cho­re­o­gra­phed by Már­ta Lad­ján­szki (H) in PONEC – the dan­ce venue. The per­for­man­ce pro­vi­des a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­co­ver a per­so­na­li­ty – and throu­gh this, our own self – by watching a body in movement.

The last day of the Bien­nial fea­tu­res a lectu­re workshop PHANTOMIC SENSATION led by Gab­rie­la Karol­c­zak (PL), dea­ling with body image and body con­s­ci­ousness. The workshop in Alfred ve Dvo­ře The­a­t­re can be visi­ted free of char­ge, as well as the following OPEN DISCUSSION with artists of the Bien­nial. Inspi­red by Olym­pic and US-sty­le show wrest­ling, later on the dan­ce per­for­man­ce JA JA JA NE NE NE – ‚FIGHT, FIGHT — THAT’S ALL WE CAN DO’ by Mag­da­le­na Tuka (PL) intro­du­ces us to the fre­e­dom found in wrest­ling (with Eng­lish sub­tit­les) at PONEC – the dan­ce venue. After this, ano­ther dan­ce per­for­man­ce, DESIGNED FOR t⋀t∫ cre­a­ted by Zden­ka Brun­got Svi­te­ko­va (SK) is resear­ching the lan­gu­age, the qua­li­ties and the mea­nings of touch live, with an inter­nati­o­nal ensem­ble in Stu­dio ALTA. The clo­sing act of the Bien­nial is an ‘audi­o­vi­su­al fre­esty­le’ con­cert by the group Han­da Gote Research & Deve­lo­p­ment (CZ), followed by a chill out par­ty with DJ duo Feder­sel & Mäkelä (CZ/FIN) in the same venue. 

Accom­pa­ny­ing the Bien­nial, a fine art exhi­bi­ti­on tit­led CONVEX PROJECT – ICONS OF WAITING AND WASTING cre­a­ted by Esz­ter Herold & Zsuz­si Pal­man (H) can be visi­ted from 20th of Febru­a­ry until 8th of March in Alfred ve Dvo­ře The­a­t­re. The project’s 9 stages, inclu­ding vari­ous ‘dan­ce icons’ are repre­sen­ting the 9 mon­ths of preg­nan­cy from a very sensi­ti­ve fema­le point of view.

The Bien­nial also pro­vi­des a plat­form for cul­tu­ral exchan­ge and to meet the artists in per­son at the open dis­cus­si­on forum held by mem­bers of KÖM by L1 Asso­ci­ati­on (H), the cri­tics’ workshop accom­pa­ny­ing the Bien­nial and pro­du­cing up-to-date reviews and recom­men­dati­ons of the events for the Bien­nial blog: Here you will also find in-depth inter­views in Eng­lish with the par­ti­ci­pa­ting artists as well as with the cura­tors of part­ner asso­ci­ati­ons, intro­du­cing the con­cept of the Bien­nial and the possi­bi­li­ties cre­a­ted by the very unique VARP-PA pro­gram of the Inter­nati­o­nal Vise­grad Fund. You can also find and join the events on Face­book, sepa­ra­te­ly or from the main event site Per­for­ming V4 — Bien­nial of VARP-PA Resi­dents.


full list of programs

26th Febru­a­ry (Thur­sday)

19:00 Sgt. Tej­no­ro­va & the Commando_CZ — Dea Loher: NEVINA / INNOCENCE (film pre­mie­re) 30’ — Stu­dio ALTA — FREE OF CHARGE
20:00 Jan Bár­ta_CZ — Stic­ker (the­a­t­re with Eng­lish sub­tit­les) 55’ — Alfred ve Dvo­ře Theatre

27th Febru­a­ry (Fri­day)

18:00 Lor­ca — Ková­čo­vá — Turo­šík_SK — Love P and Pas­si­on B (pup­pet the­a­t­re) 60’ — Stu­dio ALTA
20:00 Már­ta Lad­ján­szki_HU — JOSHA ‑a por­trait- (dan­ce) 50’ — PONEC — the dan­ce venue

28th Febru­a­ry (Satur­day)

12:00 – 15:00 Gab­rie­la Karol­c­zak_PL — Phan­tom Sensati­on (lectu­re workshop) 180’ — Alfred ve Dvo­ře The­a­t­re — FREE OF CHARGE
15:00 – 17:00 Open dis­cus­si­on led by cri­tics of KÖM by L1 Asso­ci­ati­on (H) (with the artists and open for the pub­lic) 120’ — Alfred ve Dvo­ře The­a­t­re — FREE OF CHARGE
18:00 Mag­da­le­na Tuka_PL — Ja Ja Ja Ne Ne Ne ‚Fight, fight — that’s all we can do’ (dan­ce with Eng­lish text) 45’ — PONEC — the dan­ce venue
20:00 Zden­ka Brun­got Svi­te­ko­va_SK — designed for t⋀t∫ (dan­ce) 50’ — Stu­dio ALTA
21:30 Han­da Gote Research & Deve­lo­p­ment_CZ con­cert (40’) + Feder­sel & Mäkelä DJs chill out par­ty (120’) — Stu­dio ALTA

20th Febru­a­ry – 8th March

Esz­ter Herold & Zsuz­si Palman_HU — CONVEX PROJECT - Icons of wai­ting and was­ting (exhi­bi­ti­on) — Alfred ve Dvo­ře Theatre

We reser­ve the right to chan­ge the program!